Summer Stories

During the summer Archive Services asked children and young people across Dundee to be inspired by items in their collections. Under 16s were asked to draw or write a story in response one of the images in the poster at the end of this post. We are sharing these two wonderful entries, one a piece…Continue Reading Summer Stories

The Botanic Garden: #WelcomeWeek

Don’t forget to visit our wonderful Botanic Garden. Here are a few of their recent and current activities to entice you! BeFriends  (and #How It Felt) Since 1981, through volunteers, BeFriends has offered befriending support to children and young people local to Dundee, developing their life skills and improving their well-being. How It Felt has…Continue Reading The Botanic Garden: #WelcomeWeek

The Ignorant Art School: Cooper Gallery #WelcomeWeek

The Ignorant Art School: Five Sit-ins towards Creative Emancipation Sit-in #1: Ruth Ewan We Could Have Been Anything That We Wanted to Be and It’s Not Too Late to Change Sit-in Curriculum #1: Autumn Term: 3 September – 23 October 2021 (in-person and online) Exhibition: 3 September – 23 October 2021 Afternoon Preview: 2 September, 3–7pmBook free…Continue Reading The Ignorant Art School: Cooper Gallery #WelcomeWeek

Dundee – ‘Picturing the City’ Online Exhibition

A new online exhibition curated by Museum Services is now available to view here. Dundee ‘Picturing the City’ explores how artists have depicted the city’s natural and built environment throughout the years. From gloriously gloomy oil paintings of the Seagate to Bright watercolours of Dundee harbour, join us on this exploration through the streets and…Continue Reading Dundee – ‘Picturing the City’ Online Exhibition

Both Sides, Now – Science Art at Stobfest

It’s fair to say that community festivals across Dundee have struggled over the past year. Both the Stobswell Forum and the University’s own Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research (WCAIR) were determined to make Stobfest, Stobswell’s annual festival, happen in 2021. Ali Floyd, from WCAIR tells us more about the festival, held earlier this year, and some of the great…Continue Reading Both Sides, Now – Science Art at Stobfest

Lifedown Lockdrawing

Enjoy delving into the digital copy of Lifedown Lockdrawing!   Accessible here this open, generously spirited, and intimate publication marks a snapshot of DJCAD art and design students’ experience of life drawing and creating a drawing community during the recent sensibilities of lockdown. The idea of generating a capture of the students’ recent output, however that…Continue Reading Lifedown Lockdrawing


Our amazing staff and students are nearing the end of their challenges to raise money for Parkinson’s research. There is still time to donate so we thought we should remind you of some of the creative things they have been up to. As well as all the brave (or foolhardy) sporting events there are some…Continue Reading #30DaysChallengeUoD