RDMH – In the Belly of a Whale by Alice Millar-Thompson

Archives relating to the whaling industry inspired Alice Millar-Thompson’s illustrated essay, ‘In the Belly of a Whale’, for the River Deep Mountain High exhibition. The photograph is part of the David Henderson collection. In the Belly of a Whale by Alice Millar-Thompson Creative essay “The legacy of Dundee’s involvement in the retrospectively barbaric, yet highly…Continue Reading RDMH – In the Belly of a Whale by Alice Millar-Thompson

Patrick Geddes’s Intellectual Origins

In this post originally written for The Centre for Scottish Culture, Murdo Macdonald, Professor Emeritus of the History of Scottish Art at the University of Dundee, tells us about his new book, Patrick Geddes’s Intellectual Origins (Edinburgh University Press, 2020). Professor Macdonald used items from the collections in the University Archives for this book, including…Continue Reading Patrick Geddes’s Intellectual Origins

The UoD Book Club Podcast, Episode 5: Alexia Barrable on ‘Last Child in the Woods’

The University of Dundee Book Club Podcast has just posted its fifth episode! In this podcast you will have the opportunity to learn out about the books and ideas that have inspired and influenced the many different and wonderful people that we have here on campus. You can access the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Buzzsprout. This is…Continue Reading The UoD Book Club Podcast, Episode 5: Alexia Barrable on ‘Last Child in the Woods’

The UoD Book Club Podcast: Episode 4, Erin Hardee on ‘Equity, Exclusion and Everyday Science Learning’

The University of Dundee Book Club Podcast has just posted its fourth episode! In this podcast you will have the opportunity to learn out about the books and ideas that have inspired and influenced the many different and wonderful people that we have here on campus. You can access the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Buzzsprout. This is…Continue Reading The UoD Book Club Podcast: Episode 4, Erin Hardee on ‘Equity, Exclusion and Everyday Science Learning’

Centre for Critical and Creative Cultures: New Publications from Colleagues

The Centre for Critical and Creative Cultures have shared a trace of what we they up to before these strange times, with a number of recent publications from staff members. Until we can gather in a less virtual way to celebrate this in the future, we would like to join them in celebrating these fantastic…Continue Reading Centre for Critical and Creative Cultures: New Publications from Colleagues

Review of ‘The War of the Worlds’, first transmitted on BBC 1 November 2019

Today on the #DundeeUniCulture blog we are sharing this fantastic review of a recent TV adaptation of H.G. Wells’s classic novel The War of the Worlds, written by University of Dundee’s very own Dr Keith Williams. Keith teaches Wells at Level 4 UG and on our Science Fiction Master’s – find out more about the course…Continue Reading Review of ‘The War of the Worlds’, first transmitted on BBC 1 November 2019

Cooper Gallery – untitled: a space, 12: a collective of women writers

The next installment of Cooper Gallery’s online exhibition ‘A Space in-between’ brings us ‘untitled: space, 12: a collective of women writers’. The utterance of language, whether poetry, prose or overheard whispers is the ephemeral tissue that draws us close to the other. In this moment ‘between’, when every aspect of life is challenged and recast,…Continue Reading Cooper Gallery – untitled: a space, 12: a collective of women writers

Honorary Graduates’ Award for Inclusive Practice winners

This year’s Honorary Graduates’ Award for Inclusive Practice has been awarded to Lauren Christie, a tutor in both the School of Humanities and the Academic Skills Centre, and the CreateSpace Staff and Student Team from the Library and Learning Centre (LLC). The joint winners share a £1,000 practice development fund to further their work. More…Continue Reading Honorary Graduates’ Award for Inclusive Practice winners

The University of Dundee Book Club Podcast: Episode 3 – Dr. Aliki Varvogli on ‘Walden’

The University of Dundee Book Club Podcast has just posted its third episode! In this podcast you will have the opportunity to learn out about the books and ideas that have inspired and influenced the many different and wonderful people that we have here on campus. You can access the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Buzzsprout. This is…Continue Reading The University of Dundee Book Club Podcast: Episode 3 – Dr. Aliki Varvogli on ‘Walden’

Review of ‘The Invisible Man’ (Dir: Leigh Whannell; Universal Pictures, 2020)

Today on the #DundeeUniCulture blog we are sharing this fantastic review of a recent film adaptation of H.G. Wells’s classic novel The Invisible Man, written by University of Dundee’s very own Dr Keith Williams. Keith teaches Wells at Level 4 UG and on our Science Fiction Master’s – find out more about the course by…Continue Reading Review of ‘The Invisible Man’ (Dir: Leigh Whannell; Universal Pictures, 2020)

Joseph Lee – War Poet and Artist: An Online Exhibition on Art UK’s Curations platform

Ranked alongside Owen, Brooke and Sassoon, Joseph Lee was in his day regarded as one of Scotland’s finest First World War poets. Although his reputation has since been unfairly eclipsed, his poetry and war memoirs remain powerfully evocative. What makes Lee particularly remarkable is that he was also a highly skilled artist who illustrated his…Continue Reading Joseph Lee – War Poet and Artist: An Online Exhibition on Art UK’s Curations platform