Enjoy delving into the digital copy of Lifedown Lockdrawing!

Charcoal on paper
Laura Cruikshank, Jewellery & Metal Design
Accessible here this open, generously spirited, and intimate publication marks a snapshot of DJCAD art and design students’ experience of life drawing and creating a drawing community during the recent sensibilities of lockdown.
The idea of generating a capture of the students’ recent output, however that was to be interpreted was simply sown. The students ran with the idea and collaborated, curated, edited, and produced a series of digital captures, which has evolved to this publication, kindly supported by the University’s Museum Services.

P. Jupitus, Contemporary Art Practice
The originating, digital pinboards, showcases and virtual shares, plus the groupings’ future endeavours are accessible via DJCAD’s Virtual Life Drawing Room, the growing online drawing community the students (and staff) are nurturing.
For more information as to how to join the online drawing community please contact Alex Roberts, Lecturer in Drawing, aroberts002@dundee.ac.uk

Jude Currie, Interiors & Environmental Design

William McLaughlan, Communication Design