The Cooper Gallery are getting ready to launch their new exhibit, The Ignorant Art School: Sit-in Curriculum #1.
At the heart of The Ignorant Art School is a Sit-in Curriculum, a packed timetable of actions, workshops and gatherings facilitated by artists, designers, activists, and culture workers. Rejecting inequalities of access by arranging anti-colonial, anti-racist and feminist methodologies, the Sit-in Curriculum is a space of collaborative and revolutionised learning open to all.
The event will run from the 25th of February to the 24th of April and will feature “A History Class” that explores Dundee’s radical political history as well as the city’s connection to the French Revolution. A “Strike Class” contesting capitalist constructions of time and the potential of education on the picket line. ‘A Beauty Class’ exploring beauty as a necessary feminist tool for regenerating society and politics as well as many more.
To find out more about these events as well as others and how to book, visit the Cooper Gallery website:–dn1JWLmT-4BLxLywOEY3Pa3Sm-G3TI9hwKpGMHZytHq3Vw