Architecture students in partnership with Wuhan University design projects via Zoom

Our Architecture students in partnership with Wuhan University, China, across all year groups, worked with tutors from University of Dundee via Zoom. Together they designed museums, galleries, community centres, city designs and more in a space of 8 weeks during a global pandemic 2020. See the architecture projects from the students at Wuhan University in…Continue Reading Architecture students in partnership with Wuhan University design projects via Zoom

The University Archives: Thomson’s Vision of Dundee (Video)

Join Dr. Kenneth Baxter from the University Archives in another video delving into Dundee’s past. This video looks again at the development of Dundee City Centre, but this time with a twist; we explore the development of Dundee as it didn’t happen! Even after the radical architectural changes of the city centre in the 1870s…Continue Reading The University Archives: Thomson’s Vision of Dundee (Video)

The University Archives: The Tower Building (Video)

Join Dr. Kenneth Baxter in another video exploring our University Archives collections. In this video, Kenneth explores images of one of the University’s most iconic buildings: The Tower Building. If you know the University at all, you will undoubtedly know The Tower Building, as it is probably the building most associated with the University of…Continue Reading The University Archives: The Tower Building (Video)

Dundee Museum of Memory Digital Exhibition: ‘Love From, Elie’ by Mollie Stevenson

The Digital Exhibition 2020 of the Dundee Museum of Memory showcases student work on the new interdisciplinary Humanities module Making Memory. For their final assignment, students selected a ‘site of memory’ from Dundee and beyond and created a digital exhibit choosing forms such as a photo-essay, video, podcast, piece of creative writing, or comic strip,…Continue Reading Dundee Museum of Memory Digital Exhibition: ‘Love From, Elie’ by Mollie Stevenson