Cooper Gallery – untitled: a space, 12: a collective of women writers

The next installment of Cooper Gallery’s online exhibition ‘A Space in-between’ brings us ‘untitled: space, 12: a collective of women writers’. The utterance of language, whether poetry, prose or overheard whispers is the ephemeral tissue that draws us close to the other. In this moment ‘between’, when every aspect of life is challenged and recast,…Continue Reading Cooper Gallery – untitled: a space, 12: a collective of women writers

Honorary Graduates’ Award for Inclusive Practice winners

This year’s Honorary Graduates’ Award for Inclusive Practice has been awarded to Lauren Christie, a tutor in both the School of Humanities and the Academic Skills Centre, and the CreateSpace Staff and Student Team from the Library and Learning Centre (LLC). The joint winners share a £1,000 practice development fund to further their work. More…Continue Reading Honorary Graduates’ Award for Inclusive Practice winners

Joseph Lee – War Poet and Artist: An Online Exhibition on Art UK’s Curations platform

Ranked alongside Owen, Brooke and Sassoon, Joseph Lee was in his day regarded as one of Scotland’s finest First World War poets. Although his reputation has since been unfairly eclipsed, his poetry and war memoirs remain powerfully evocative. What makes Lee particularly remarkable is that he was also a highly skilled artist who illustrated his…Continue Reading Joseph Lee – War Poet and Artist: An Online Exhibition on Art UK’s Curations platform

The Art, Design and Architecture Graduate Showcase 2020: 12th – 21st June

The Art, Design and Architecture Graduate Showcase 2020 celebrates the achievements of our graduating students from University of Dundee’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and the department of Architecture within the School of Social Sciences. In the absence of a physical exhibition at this point in time, this website will provide an…Continue Reading The Art, Design and Architecture Graduate Showcase 2020: 12th – 21st June

Signs Meanings Riddles: Film into Poetry – Experimental Writing Workshop (online)

The Cooper Gallery has still got a few spaces open for this Thursday’s upcoming writing workshop led by Poet and Writer Jane Goldman. Please see below for information on how to sign up for this experimental poetry workshop, being held via Zoom on 28 May between 5-7pm. Signs Meanings Riddles: Film into Poetry Workshop led…Continue Reading Signs Meanings Riddles: Film into Poetry – Experimental Writing Workshop (online)

Chronicle: The Archive and Museum Anthology – A Comic by PhD Student Hailey Austin

“I created this comic in collaboration with undergraduate students, master’s students and artists in order to promote the comics collection in the University of Dundee’s Archives as well as the Museum Services. It is a public information comic that tells how different collections got into the archives, how to access the items, as well as…Continue Reading Chronicle: The Archive and Museum Anthology – A Comic by PhD Student Hailey Austin

Video: The Needlework Development Scheme Collection at DJCAD

While the University’s museums and galleries are temporarily closed due to the coronavirus emergency, we’re sharing more of our collections online. This is the latest in a series of films in which museum curator Matthew Jarron tells the stories behind some of our most interesting objects and artworks. In this video we look at a…Continue Reading Video: The Needlework Development Scheme Collection at DJCAD