Rhythmic Marks and Misprints, A Science Art Collaboration

Rhythmic Marks and Misprints are two interconnected art science projects that took place during 2018-19. The project involved artist/researcher Daksha Patel creating artwork in response to current research into Parkinson’s disease led by Professor Miratul Muqit and his team based in the Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit in the University. Miratul is…Continue Reading Rhythmic Marks and Misprints, A Science Art Collaboration

#WellTogether: Art at the Start

The Art at the Start project is a collaboration between art psychotherapist Vicky Armstrong and experimental psychologist Dr Josephine Ross. We are interested in the impact participation in art can have upon the social well-being of young children and how shared art experiences may help to build strong attachment relationships: What happens when young children…Continue Reading #WellTogether: Art at the Start

Screening & In Conversation Event – Riddles of the Sphinx: Thursday 21 May

The Cooper Gallery has just released details of an incredibly high-profile screening and in-conversation event with acclaimed filmmakers Laura Mulvey and Margaret Salmon. It takes place next Thursday, 21st May and you can read all of the details about the event below! Screening & In-conversation | Riddles of the Sphinx Laura Mulvey and Margaret Salmon Thursday…Continue Reading Screening & In Conversation Event – Riddles of the Sphinx: Thursday 21 May

#WellTogether: Pandemic Tales: Responses to COVID-19 and Lockdown Comics

Since 2016 the Scottish Centre for Comics Studies has produced a number of public information comics, many of them dealing with healthcare issues and science communication. When the Coronavirus pandemic took hold in early 2020, sending the world into lockdown, communities and individuals have done amazing things to help themselves and others, from observing social…Continue Reading #WellTogether: Pandemic Tales: Responses to COVID-19 and Lockdown Comics

The Big Sheep: A Philip Merlot Thriller – A Comic by PhD student Hailey Austin

“This was created for my PhD chapter on noir comics and has been adopted onto the film noir course. It is a silly anthropomorphic romp in a sci-fi/ noir world. It has suggestions for films to watch in order to understand the references in the comic, so that could be good boredom busting during lockdown…Continue Reading The Big Sheep: A Philip Merlot Thriller – A Comic by PhD student Hailey Austin

These Windows: a collaborative project between UoD and the V&A Dundee

‘These Windows’ is a collaborative publishing project between the University of Dundee and the V&A Dundee. The online gallery, gathered on DURA, pairs with a forthcoming printed publication to showcase the creative dexterity of DJCAD Illustration BDes students and School of Humanities Creative Writing & Practice MLitt students. The first instalment of the project comes in the form of…Continue Reading These Windows: a collaborative project between UoD and the V&A Dundee