In the final instalment of this year’s Saturday Series, the hosts will take a look at the impact of the current Covid-19 pandemic. With every single corner of society having been affected we have all had to change the way we do things and live within new restrictions, but what have we learnt and what does the future look like?
Former political editor for BBC Scotland, Brian Taylor, will lead the discussion with a panel of experts from across the University. Joining him:
- Professor James Chalmers from the School of Medicine. James is Professor of Molecular and Clinical Medicine and is one of the country’s leading lung experts.
- Dr Ellie Hothersall who is a specialist in Public Health based within the School of Medicine. She is also Programme Director for the MBChB degree.
- Drs Duncan and Daniela Mercieca from the School of Education & Social Work who have recently conducted research in relation to learning and teaching experiences during lockdown here in Scotland.
- Dr Robin Sen from the School of Education & Social Work. Robin’s background is in child and family social work as well as community development and social work education.
Together they will discuss why lockdown has been important and the changes it has placed on medical, educational and social services.
This event will take place this Saturday, the 17th of April at 6pm.
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