#WellTogether: A Long Distance String Ensemble Performance by Members of the Dundee University Orchestra

Members of the Dundee University Orchestra 2019-2020 have managed to put a long distance string ensemble performance of the first movement of Vivaldi’s String Concerto in C RV 110, Thanks to Erin, Emily (x2), Jay, MoragAnne, Emma, Rebecca and Judith. And thanks again to Rebecca who has taken time out of studying for her exams to…Continue Reading #WellTogether: A Long Distance String Ensemble Performance by Members of the Dundee University Orchestra

#WellTogether: University of Dundee Archives and Mental Health Part 2 (Video)

For #WellTogether Week, University Archivist Caroline Brown has created some short talks which explore how archives relate to mental well-being. Today we share the second of her short talks, in which we she discusses how mental health records in the archives are used, and the difference they can make to people’s lives. As you will…Continue Reading #WellTogether: University of Dundee Archives and Mental Health Part 2 (Video)

#WellTogether: Pandemic Tales: Responses to COVID-19 and Lockdown Comics

Since 2016 the Scottish Centre for Comics Studies has produced a number of public information comics, many of them dealing with healthcare issues and science communication. When the Coronavirus pandemic took hold in early 2020, sending the world into lockdown, communities and individuals have done amazing things to help themselves and others, from observing social…Continue Reading #WellTogether: Pandemic Tales: Responses to COVID-19 and Lockdown Comics

#WellTogether: Dundee Isolation Film Festival

As part of #WellTogether Week, we wanted to share with you ‘Dundee Isolation Film Festival’, a night for collectively enjoying the best of Dundee’s own moving image work, even while stuck in quarantine! University of Dundee PhD Researcher and Filmmaker Christopher Gerrard will be hosting this fantastic online event in association with Creative Dundee on…Continue Reading #WellTogether: Dundee Isolation Film Festival

#WellTogether: University of Dundee Archives and Mental Health Part 1 (Video)

For #WellTogether Week, University Archivist Caroline Brown has created some short talks which explore how archives relate to mental well-being. Today we share the first of her short talks, in which she discusses collections that relate to mental health in the University Archives; the University Archives hold the archives of NHS Tayside, including information about…Continue Reading #WellTogether: University of Dundee Archives and Mental Health Part 1 (Video)