Her scholarship relates to action research, sacred literacies, and conceptions of literacy (media, narrative, and gaming) and most recently first-authored the article “Digital Stories, Material Transformations: Reflections of Education Students in a Pre-Teacher Program” (2021) in Emerald Publishing’s English Teaching: Practice & Critique https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ETPC-07-2020-0066/full/html?skipTracking=true&utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Education_%252B_Training_TrendMD_1&WT.mc_id=Emerald_TrendMD_1.
Meet the Editorial Board: Dr Christina L. Romero-Ivanova, Indiana University Kokomo, USA

Dr Christina L. Romero-Ivanova is an Assistant Professor of Education at Indiana University Kokomo and teaches courses in Reading Methods, English Language Arts Methods, the use of technology in education, and digital storytelling and English Language Learning (ELL) Methods. She also engages with teacher training as a university supervisor for student teaching experiences. She teaches courses in the Tomorrow’s Teachers program, Elementary and Secondary education programs, Transition to Teaching program, and in the Freshman Learning Community. My research and expertise involve ethnographic, narrative anthropology, artifactual, narrative, and sacred literacies. She is an Indiana University Senior Mosaic Fellow Scholar and a Women in Technology (WIT) scholar and mentor.
A great part of Christina’s work at the collegiate level involves service and community learning with her students, as she currently works with the Kokomo Domestic Violence Shelter and Kokomo Bridges Outreach teaching digital storytelling. Her work as an advocate and activist for survivors of rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence was most recently reflected in preparing and showcasing digital stories for the Indiana State Senate to aid in moving “consent” forward as part of Indiana state rape law language.