Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  • A collection of tools
    Welcome to Create your Module
    In this series, we’ll extend some of what we have looked at in Blend your Module, and also spend some time examining Dundee’s Exemplary Module Framework, so that you can best present the content to the students.
  • 2 comments from students. 1:Lack of clear instruction on where to look for resources, assignments and links (i.e. have to go through Teams, email, blackboard constantly to find information with no consistency of where to look) 2: consistency between all tutors on the course as to how they will use VLEs
    1: What can the Module Template do for you?
    What's actually in the Exemplary Module Framework? How can it help us structure our modules to be effective and efficient for both staff and students.
  • Infographic.
    2: Communication
    Very few of us learn effectively without communicating with others – whether they’re experts, peers or critical friends. To support our students, we’ll be looking at ways of supporting effective communication and Interaction.
  • A silhouette of a head - facing a questionmark, with cog wheels in the brain area.
    3: Assessment
    We’ll be looking today at both formative assessment or, as it’s also called, assessment for learning, and summative assessment.
  • A visual representation of the workflow for a week; including the sections that are synchronous / asynchronous, and how long students should spend on them.
    4: Teaching Materials and Resources
    For many staff, a significant part of the preparation for teaching is preparing content - whether that's pre-recorded videos,  resource lists compiled primarily from library material, material staff have created themselves or OER content that's relevant. We'll try to find some pointers to help ease this process, while ensuring the content is engaging.
  • A venn diagram, with 3 overlapping circles. Affective, Constructive and teaching. In the intersection of all 3 is educational experience
    5: Active and Social Learning
    Humans are innately social, most people need others to share ideas with, to learn from, and to generally engage with while learning.