Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  • Word Cloud from the digital scholar book;
    Introducing: The Digital Scholar
    We'd like to invite you to join with us in working through an Open Learn course,  The Digital Scholar. The course is developed by Martin Weller - and closely related to his book of the same…
  • Cubes, with various social media icons on them - Facebook, pinterest, twitter, snapchat, rss etc
    Week 1: Entering the digital world.
    Welcome to the Digital Scholar. You've hopefully had a look at the activities for week 1, and have begun to think about your own practice. We'd like to invite you…
  • Social Media Icons on Mobile Device
    Week 2: Discovery
    This week, the course focuses on the Discovery part of Boyer's model. As well as the introduction of various social media tools, which you may already be usin, gthe idea of Guerrilla research is introduced. While it was originally used in web development, Weller argues that it can often apply to academic research. How do you…
  • connected people.
    Week 3: Interdisciplinarity.
    In the Digital Scholar this week, Weller looks at interdisciplinarity. While looking for additional resources for this  post, I came across the concept of transdisciplinarity. IN the course, blogs and twitter are looked at in detail, do you feel these tools help you build…
  • A baby iguana, with a very long tail
    Week 4: Dissemination.
    This week, the Digital Scholar looks at a key aspect of scholarship, dissemination. Weller starts off considering the "long tail" - initially looking at how that can lead to opportunities in personal life - though the example given of online music sales vs. high street music shops is…
  • A professor on a laptop screen
    Week 5: Teaching and Digital Scholarship
    At the start of week 5, we look at the concept of abundance vs. scarcity of resources - how does that link to teaching?  While Weller doesn't dwell on it, it's clear that we have moved from a situation of a relatively limited set of resources that students…
  • Someone climbing the stair, while thiinking.
    Week 6: Reward and Tenure.
    This week, Weller looks as aspects that are critical to many academics - how digital scholarship can be recognised, both within an institution, and externally. He refers to guidelines that other institutions have developed, several of which have been listed by the Center for…
  • Fingerprint
    Week 7: The downsides of Digital Scholarship.
    This week, Weller moves into the areas that often ignite passions in academics (and others!) Is Digital ultimately going to destroy society, or to save it. Weller aims to present a balance - like all things, few are inherently "good"…
  • Flowering plants growing on a wall.
    Week 8: Changes.
    It's the last week of the Digital Scholar - in which Weller looks at the changes that moving to a digital scholarship model can bring to the individual or institution - and how we can plan for the implementation. One aspect they look at is digital resilience - which is very similar to other aspects…