Category: Distance Learning Forum

New Drop In service for distance learners…

The following information was provided by staff at the Academic Skills Centre about a new service they will be offering: ASC plan to launch a distance learning drop-in in Semester 2. Exact details will be confirmed shortly and disseminated early next semester through our School Leads and other channels. Several people have already expressed in…

Coming soon: DLF meeting on Thursday 29 November, Dalhousie 1G06; 14.00-16.00 hrs

We’re looking forward to welcoming you to the next DLF meeting, when we’ll be discussing: (1) Student engagement online: how we do it and how we could do it better (2) Responsibility of learners for their own learning (3) Adviser of studies handbook  Hope to see you there! Aileen…

Grainne Conole presenting on Reimaging the future of education and the role of digital technologies

Message from Monica Matthews, Academic Skills for Staff Coordinator: PLEASE NOTE THIS SESSION HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO 23 JANUARY 2019. Monica will be in touch with everyone who signed up. You’re invited! As a member of the DLF, we thought you might be interested in the next Academic Skills Centre lunchtime seminar in our series…

DUSA questions for the DLF

At our meeting on 25 September Sofia Skevofylaka and Stewart Squire of DUSA gave a short presentation about what the Students’ Association does for students in general, including DL students.   They have approximately 500 class representatives – there should be one for every class.  Not all DUSA’s services are currently available to distance learners, but…

Notes from the DLF meeting on 25 September 2018

Sofia Skevofylaka and Stewart Squire of DUSA gave a short presentation about what the Students’ Association does for students in general, including DL students.  See separate blog posting about this input. Hamish Loveday of CTIL spoke to us on the topic ‘My Dundee: Change is coming’ Blackboard SaaS (software as a service) is moving My…

Forthcoming events from the Academic Skills Centre (ASC)

Monica Matthews, Academic Skills for Staff Co-ordinator, has asked me to circulate the following news about forthcoming events from ASC: You are invited! The Academic Skills Centre will be focussing on Distance Learning in this year’s Sharing Good Practice Lunchtime Seminar Series, which kicks off on 31 October (fancy dress not required!) with our new Academic Lead for…

Room bookings now confirmed for DLF City Campus meetings

  29.11.18 (Thursday)       14-16.00 hrs   City Campus, Dalhousie 1G06 Student engagement online – how we do it and how we can do it better; Responsibility of learners for their own learning Adviser of Studies handbook 04.12.18 (Tuesday)        14-15.00 hrs Online via Collaborate Ultra; join 15 minutes before the start…

Introducing: academic lead for distance and blended learning

As you may already know I’ve recently been seconded for half my time to the newly created post of Academic Lead for Distance & Blended Learning. I’ll be working closely with the Distance Learning Forum as we look at ways of further increasing the visibility of Distance Learning, enhancing what we already do, identifying new…