Category: Type

Old bookmarks taking you to the old My Dundee?

What’s happening With the move to the Ultra Navigation, some users have reported that the previous bookmarks that they had for specific My Dundee pages are taking them to the old style “front page” of Blackboard. When a user gets into this area, they’re able to get into courses etc, but can only get so…

Problems accessing My Dundee on older browsers

[This post was updated to include general guidance on outdated browsers in response to some users experiencing issues with the new My Dundee interface on older browser versions) What’s happening With the recent upgrade to My Dundee, we have had a number of users reporting the issue that My Dundee is showing a list of…

Managing notifications in My Dundee

Getting too many emails from My Dundee? These notifications aim to give you daily information of the changes made to your modules, new content, grades, or any other useful information, but if you’re finding you’re getting a little too much, read on to learn how to manage your notification settings. What’s happening? Some users have…

Turnitin Rubric Bug

Updated: 5th December
We have recently discovered a bug in Turnitin that is triggered when a rubric/ grading form has been changed AND another setting (e.g. post date) has been adjusted. This issue it rare but results in the rubric being replaced with the original rubric selected so it is important that all Turnitin markers read the details below….

Turnitin – degraded performance

Turnitin in report that there were issues overnight. The areas affected were: Turnitin Paper Submissions, Turnitin Feedback Studio Grading Access. They state: “During this time, you may experience issues when trying to submit and may also find that Similarity Reports are unavailable. We invite you to track the progress of this disruption while we work…

Collaborate Ultra: March Update

We have already posted that the March update to Collaborate Ultra will mean that you’re no longer able to use Internet Explorer for Collaborate – and that IE / older versions of Safari no longer supportĀ Blackboard anyway. What’s happening? On March 21st, Collaborate Ultra will be updated, as part of the regular process of enhancement….

My Dundee no longer supports Internet Explorer

What’s happening Blackboard Learn, the service My Dundee is based on, no longer officially supports Internet Explorer. This means that although it may continue to work for most activities, it will become increasingly unreliable as new feature and updates are added. If you encounter any issues when using My Dundee, please check if you are…