Category: Type

Blackboard Instructor

This is the app for instructors. Unlike Mobile Learn, there are separate apps for instructors and students, so staff who are also students on some modules will need to download both apps. (Though note that the site is now more responsive than it was, so you may be able to achieve what you want to…

Turnitin: Service Announcement (resolved)

The following notice came in from Turinit: Service Announcement Planned Turnitin Maintenance: Saturday August 5, 2017 7am – 1pm PST / 3pm – 9pm BST / 12am – 6am (Sunday 6) AEST (click here for your local time zone).Turnitin will be undergoing essential maintenance and will be unavailable. All Turnitin customers on the following services…

Questionmark OnDemand: Update

The planned upgrade and migration of Questionmark to the cloud based OnDemand service has hit some technical and procedural issues. Our priority is to deliver a consistent service for both high-stakes and formative assessment, so we will be delaying transition until we are able to guarantee that consistency. We will continue the provision of our Questionmark on-premise, with only some minor procedural changes, until further notice….